February 22, 2010

Romy's 1952 crotchcooler arrived today!

After several week of waiting, Romy's new ride finally arrived from Finland!!
4,5" narrowed beam, and lowered in the back......only needs some new wheels and tires :)
Car is still on the original 16", and the tires are so bad that I don't dare to drive with them.
Everything is working, this car only needs some T.L.C.!
Here are the first pictures, more will follow in the next couple of weeks.
Check out all the pics at the split page

February 18, 2010

new wheels for the beetle

I bought a set of 5x130 adapters to mount porsche pattern wheels, but several people told me the 7x17" fuchses are not the best quality on a car with this weight and torque......So in my search for some cool wheels for the new beetle, I found some really nice wheels thanks to my friend Hajee from the Aircooled Folks!
It's a set of rare and original ABT sportline wheels in mint condition, with the radical size of 7,5Jx17.
Thnx to my buddyNiels from Airmighty.com I can pick them up in Amersfoort this sunday :)
Thnx guys!!
Here are some pictures, most people think they're ugly, but I like them!! It will look sweet on a slammed beetle for sure :P

February 17, 2010

Ice Ice baby.........

Romy's new ride is shipped, and will be here upcoming monday!
So a new early '50s ride will scrape the lowlands this spring :)

I tried to pick the car up myself, but with -17 degrees it won't be an easy job to drive a car like that though the snow with minimal heating!

Now fingers crossed they won't hit an iceberg like the Titanic!

February 12, 2010


Finished the '64 tonight!
Almost 1,5" tucking on each side......looks good to me :)
Together with a set of dropped spindles and 135/70/15 tires, this car has a perfect stance for a daily driver!

February 8, 2010

3" beam for a 1964!

Is this what they mean with "the broken axle look" ? :D
Fixing up a 3" beam for some friends from the south.
In the meantime my friend Bjorn "worked" on his new 1641cc.........hmmm, it looked like he had other things in mind then cilinders and bearings :)

February 7, 2010

Swapmeet Mol

We went to Mol today with Janneke and Steve!
Always a good show, with loads of parts.
Needed a set of 7x17" polished fuchs, and a set of Enkei 5'spokes.......but both wheels were not for sale at this show :(
Too bad!!
So we had some beers and talked to a looooooooooot of friends :)
And we made some pics as usual.
check out the meeting page for more pics !

February 4, 2010

Romy's old Oval is in good hands!
She found her place in a small private collection near the border of Austria, where she sits next to a '52 Porsche 356a.......what a cute couple!!
I got these pictures from the new owner, awesome!

Split personality

This would make a nice rat for this summer!
Should I buy it ??