As found on the website from shin watanabe.
Picture made at the Pre hessisch party at BBT Belgium.
Thnx for the picture Shin!
The place where things go DOWN!
...........and then hit the pedal to go to Enschede!In Enschede we had to pick up a friend of Alex, and because we were in the Neighbourhood, we decieded to bring a visit to our good friend Hajee to see the '58 rag and '65 11-window.Too bad the rag was picked up by some belgium people an hour before we arrived, but there was plenty of time to check out the split and have some coffee! (b.t.w., thnx for the axle Hajee!!)
Then we drove back to the slamshop, to blast the 10" wheels, clean the garage out and mount a 40" whiteboard to write down how much pizza's we had on tuesdaynight :)
At the end of the day, last but not least, we had the "nightcruise" trough the south of Holland.
And IT IS Holland, so it rained, rained, rained.........and rained.
We made our own competition, so I drove in the 412LS with my neigbour Frank, and Romy together wit Saskia in a 1300 beetle.
Because of the weather, almost no pictures where taken....too bad!
Just these two, so I'll just post 'm!