My Gene Berg linkage, to fire up the Webers in my VW thing !
Now I finally can finish that engine too, got my checklist complete (except for a nice set of velocity stacks ;))
The place where things go DOWN!
In the meanwhile, I helped out Barry by lowering his OG dutch '65 beetle that has seen a lot in his 44 year old life.
But, it still runs like crazy, and looks awesome with all the dents and patina!
Patricks '59 patina scraper is ready :D
Forgot to measure how much it sunk to the streets, but will do that tomorrow!
Now it's time for a shower.......AND some photo's ofcourse :)
Today Patrick dropped by to check out the progress on his 5" narrowed ride.
He liked it!!
So the work went on, and this is the work for today:
Axle mounted, new tierods mounted, steering-damper mounted (not usual on the pre '60), steeringbox mounted, lowered the rear etc etc
It going fast!!
Hopefully it's road-worthy this tuesday ;)
I'll keep you guys up-to-date........
see you all soon on a different meeting somewhere.....for sure ;)