so lonely for - I don't know what exactly, but it's something that you
don't mind so much not having at other times.
Enjoy the company of family and friends at Christmas, and give the greatest gift of
Happy Holidays!

The place where things go DOWN!
Just finished a few axles for some rides that will drop by in a sort matter of time.
the black '64-> model is for a '66 1300, that will be slammed and 5" narowed at the end of this year.
The Pre '64 axle without towers will be placed underneath a '62 Karmann Ghia, that one will scrape the streets at the end of January 2009, just in time for the new season!!
And last but not least.........a 3" narrowed beam, that will be mounted on a '61 convertible!
Keep your eyes on this page.......more pics will follow soon !